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  1. #1

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    Hi guys,

    probably not a very common topic but i need some help here.

    I caught a cold, have to cough every now and then and want to avoid this on tomorrow's gig. What can i do not to have to cough on the bandstand (dropping the gig is no option). Trying to suppress the cough makes it worse ..... .

    Is there any (harmless) medication which could help?


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Cough Lozenges?

  4. #3

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    Stay lubricated...even sipping plain still water helps me.

  5. #4

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    Hydration (before and if possible during) and a good cough drop as needed--I like Hall's, but there are generic/house-brand equivalents. I'm not sure about the effectiveness (or prudence) of over-the-counter cough suppressants. I've heard various home remedies recommended, but I suspect that a cup of steaming herb tea laced with honey isn't going to work well on the bandstand. Before, maybe--though for those of us of A Certain Age, that might trigger an urge for mid-set pee break.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by RLetson
    Hydration (before and if possible during) and a good cough drop as needed--I like Hall's, but there are generic/house-brand equivalents. I'm not sure about the effectiveness (or prudence) of over-the-counter cough suppressants. I've heard various home remedies recommended, but I suspect that a cup of steaming herb tea laced with honey isn't going to work well on the bandstand. Before, maybe--though for those of us of A Certain Age, that might trigger an urge for mid-set pee break.
    Halls (Menthol Lyptus) is my go to, but I recently had a bag of Ricolas that had a liquid "extra menthol" center...tasted like shit, but worked.

    As a guy who has to talk for a living, I've become quite a coniosseur of cough drops over the years.

    Tip from experience: Halls Sugar Free, if you use too many, will do a real number on your stomach.

  7. #6

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    Start by drinking a gallon of water today, literally.

    Cough drops on stage. Delsym might help too.

  8. #7

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    I believe that Bird used morphine for that but I would not recommend it.

  9. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-7
    i believe that bird used morphine for that but i would not recommend it.

  10. #9

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    Also Luden's honey-licorice drops. An old-time remedy but a good one.

  11. #10

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    Do you know from experience that the stress and concentration from being on stage will distract you enough that the cough will disappear during the performance?

    EDIT: if you know pro classical (opera) singers you could ask them what they take. From what I remember it's not something doctors like to prescribe because it comes with a risk to the vocal chords - but I suppose you're letting your guitar sing for you.

    Anti-nervous-cough syrup with codeine could help too, but don't continue using it after the gig unless you're certain your cough is already of the nervous type.

  12. #11

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    Fishermans Friend has been recommended by some vocal teachers.

  13. #12

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    I find those work better against throat ache than as couch suppressors; inhaling a good breath after sucking on one of those or alternatives containing high doses of eucalyptus, mint and similar camphrous substances is in fact likely to trigger a cough attack if my lungs are already irritated!

  14. #13

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    I always have some of these in my pocket:

    Robot or human?

    Danny W.

  15. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    Do you know from experience that the stress and concentration from being on stage will distract you enough that the cough will disappear during the performance?

    EDIT: if you know pro classical (opera) singers you could ask them what they take. From what I remember it's not something doctors like to prescribe because it comes with a risk to the vocal chords - but I suppose you're letting your guitar sing for you.

    Anti-nervous-cough syrup with codeine could help too, but don't continue using it after the gig unless you're certain your cough is already of the nervous type.
    I think i never really experienced stress/concentration to have an influence on coughing when i got a cold.

    When i exhale, some remains from the cold/sore throat come up and cause the desire to cough. In the playing situation it gets tough to suppress it. I have now also asked a singer and she recommended me this product:
    I'll soon find out to what extent it helps.

  16. #15

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    Thank you all for the recommendations.
    Yes, dry air makes it worse, and i notice with growing age it's becoming more of a necessity to always carry some drops to be able to lubricate the throat.

  17. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by JazzNote
    I think i never really experienced stress/concentration to have an influence on coughing when i got a cold.

    When i exhale, some remains from the cold/sore throat come up and cause the desire to cough. In the playing situation it gets tough to suppress it. I have now also asked a singer and she recommended me this product:
    I'll soon find out to what extent it helps.
    This company AFAIK produces pastilles containing this. I have used them with good success against a sore throat, but not the honey-lemon flavor.

  18. #17

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    why not a insulated cup with some hot tea and honey?

  19. #18

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    OTC cough syrup with dextromethorphan can work.

  20. #19

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    Are you worried about the cough being heard, or that it will disrupt your flow? I'm guessing the former, but how do you guys deal with sneezing while playing? I always lose my place when I sneeze!

  21. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by John A.
    OTC cough syrup with dextromethorphan can work.
    And a little booze and some grape Fanta and you got OTC Lean!

  22. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    but how do you guys deal with sneezing while playing? I always lose my place when I sneeze!
    Keep your eyes wide open (and your mouth shut?)

    Why do my eyes close when I sneeze? | Live Science

  23. #22

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    In addition to other suggestions, wear a face mask. In case you do cough, at least you can cover it hands free.

  24. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick-7
    Keep your eyes wide open (and your mouth shut?)

    Why do my eyes close when I sneeze? | Live Science
    Interesting, but keeping my eyes open wouldn't help me not to lose my flow - my whole body gets blasted into another time dimension and it takes me a couple of seconds to come back! ...

  25. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by FRRGC_
    In addition to other suggestions, wear a face mask. In case you do cough, at least you can cover it hands free.
    no face mask for me on a gig - i'd rather drop the gig!

  26. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by princeplanet
    Are you worried about the cough being heard, or that it will disrupt your flow? I'm guessing the former, but how do you guys deal with sneezing while playing? I always lose my place when I sneeze!
    I'm worried about the cough beeing seen, heard and beeing destructive on the music. I recently play mainly duo with a saxplayer or a singer, so no hands free to cover my mouth.

    Fortunately so far i never had to sneeze during a tune, but once when i had a cold, i had to put up with a continuously running nose. That was a guitar duo where i did all heads and solos, so there was time to wipe every now and then ;-). Later i checked on fotos from the gig, at least nothing of it was detectable on them.
    Last edited by JazzNote; 06-01-2024 at 12:29 PM.