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  1. #1

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    Dear Forum,
    I recently bought an Ibanez AG95 and a Fender GTX 50 amp.
    The Ibanez is my first jazz guitar. I started playing guitar again after a 25 year break and didn't want to invest too much money straight away. 25 years ago I had a Les Paul Custom and a Mesa Boogie amp.
    But now to the topic:
    Basically, I'm happy with the above setup. However, there is something about the sound that still bothers me, and that is the kind of metallic sound that reminds me of the presence control of my former Mesa Boogie amp turned up too far. which I can't get rid of even when play with the neck humbucker and on the neck with my fingers.
    I really like the sound of Paul Hofreiter's videos
    , and I'm now wondering whether I should perhaps invest in other pickups to get a similarly balanced sound?!!!? The AG95 uses Super 58 pickups.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Iput a ebony bridge saddle on my AG95 ... It made ahuge improvement,Solving a similar prob lem . mickmac

  4. #3

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    yes a wooden saddle
    (rosewood is a rounder sound than
    ebony which is a rounder than a tune o
    matic metal saddle setup)

    next step is flatwound strings
    I like TI jazz swings

  5. #4

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    Hi jumapari,

    Same answer than mickmac and pingu, I play an AG95 and I installed a wooden bridge and TI flatwound strings.

  6. #5

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    Wooden bridge, flats, soft picking.

  7. #6
    Thank you very much for your answers. OK, I'll order a wooden bridge.
    would you please give me a tip on exactly which one you use? One probably can't just use any one.
    Thank you!!!

  8. #7

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    Mine is a homemade ebony bridge on Ibanez AG95 TRD.

    Ibanez AG95 / Fender Mustang GTX Metallic Sound-20240621_185052-jpg

  9. #8

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    Ibanez makes wood bridges for similar sized bodies (GB models) (quite costly).
    I tried Göldo HW155 which did not fit my guitar very well (less costly). It is now taking space in my parts box.
    I then from a respectable ebay seller got a noname (cheap) which fits perfectly.
    If you go cheap off-brand then check that the height range is suitable for your guitar and be prepared to fit the curvature to the guitar top.
    If you are a DIY'er as Balthazar you may even use the base you already have for the TOM type bridge.

  10. #9
    Thank you for your answers! I will buy a bridge made of wood.
    To be honest, I'm also thinking about changing the pickups. I owned a Les Paul Custom 30 years ago and really liked the sound. What do you think of Gibson 57 Classic pickups?
    Thank you!

  11. #10

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    Something I missed on first glance is that your guitar, if that is you playing of course, clearly states Gibson on the head stock, not an Ibanez. Is there some mix up?
    Still your playing is enjoyable to hear. The Gibson 57´s are generally held i high regard though I have no experience with them myself.