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  1. #1

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    Need advice.

    I wont go into details but at an outdoor gig last night, a gust of wind blew the tent's side-wall over my Bud so it was now on the outside of the tent getting rained on. It wasn't until the amp stopped working in the middle of a song that I realized what had happened. The amp wasn't soaked but lots of water droplets around it and the rain was primarily hitting the top knobs and the backside of the amp.

    I wiped it down and when i got home I placed it next to our furnace (which runs all the time for our hot water) which is a very dry place. I plan on leaving it there for several days before attempting anything.

    Question: How screwed am I and what should I do next?


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    My sister-in-law dropped her iphone in the toilet here while visiting. Would not turn on. We let it dry for a day and it was fine. Don't know if the same would apply to a ss amp.

  4. #3

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    I’d call Henriksen ASAP and ask. They’ve given me sound answers to all my questions since I first contacted them during Covid to check on the status of my Blu order.

  5. #4

    User Info Menu

    Thank you. I'll contact them.

    Looking at their Contact page, I found an awesome easter egg.

  6. #5

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    There's a contact page?

  7. #6

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    Contact - Henriksen Amplifiers

    Bottom Right

    Also, I emailed them and they promptly replied,

    "I'd say you should lay the amp on it's side for maybe a day? Definitely do this in a dry, low humidity place, if you have access to something like that. The way the boards are oriented inside the amp, laying on its side would allow any moisture to roll off and also minimize condensation build up.

    The amp has some protection circuits in it and it's likely that this is what you experienced. There is no traditional internal fuse on these amps. The protection circuits take the place of that. If the amp does not power on, it most likely needs to be repaired."

  8. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGrandWazoo View Post
    Thank you. I'll contact them.

    Looking at their Contact page, I found an awesome easter egg.
    awesome Easter egg!!

  9. #8

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    It probably won't hurt to obtain access to the PCB that holds those top knobs and blow some contact spray into the pots and any other switch that looks like it isn't sealed. It they use quality components a bit of rain probably won't cause corrosion but it may leave whatever the rainwater contained (remember acid rain?) or picked up on its way inside your amp.
    A priori that spray should drive out humidity so I'd do it ASAP, if you have a canister of the stuff. (If not, WD40 should work too but be even more parsimonious with that.)

  10. #9

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    Water can leak in but can only get out by evaporation which could take a very long time. I would open the amp up and dry it with tissues and a hair dryer. If it is anything like the Blu, you need to remove the screws at the edges of the back, a screw just behind the handle and the handle itself. The panel can then be lifted out to reveal the circuit boards. Fortunately, the speaker compartment is isolated from the boards.

  11. #10

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    WD40 would probably be the obvious choice if spraying is to be done. The WD stands for Water Displacement. That's what it was originally intended for, and all the rest of the uses came from the experience of users.