The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #1

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    hey everybody it's big Mike I wanted to say hi to all you guys I hear a number of you or snap it up some of the instruments I had and I'm really glad
    I'm hanging in there
    I hope you guys are doing good
    never forget I love you guys

    I talk to Deacon Mark all the time

    stay cool and play that funky Music

    Joey play this shit out of your guitar band show him how to do a good George Benson with some soul

    Last edited by Crm114; 06-22-2024 at 04:49 PM.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

    User Info Menu

    Hey Mike! Good to hear from ya.

  4. #3

    User Info Menu

    Stay strong Mike

    We're all wishing you the best and thinking of you. Thanks for all the help you game me over the years, I appreciate it very much.

  5. #4

    User Info Menu

    God bless Big guy ! Can’t keep a good man down.

  6. #5

    User Info Menu

    Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

  7. #6

    User Info Menu

    A great chef, an expert in jewels, a veteran, a remarkable musician, an interesting conversationalist, and friend to all of us. A straight shooter.

    Recover, sir.

  8. #7

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  9. #8

    User Info Menu

    Praying for you daily Mike!

  10. #9

    User Info Menu

    Best of luck to you Mike!

  11. #10

    User Info Menu

    Hey Mike... good to hear from you.

  12. #11

    User Info Menu

    Mike, sending positive vibes and praying for you.


  13. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    Hey Mike! Good to hear from ya.
    hey pizza man
    I'm doing all right my friend considering the journey I've been on
    all I could say to amanda is you keep making those beautiful pies I saw you making stay safe

  14. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Archie
    Stay strong Mike

    We're all wishing you the best and thinking of you. Thanks for all the help you game me over the years, I appreciate it very much.
    I read these messages that you guys sent me and I'm thinking take out of a talking about somebody other than my dirty nasty old grouchy ass
    ha ha ha

    I tell you boys get yourselves out there and live and do everything you want to do now
    work har

    live right
    if you can see somebody that needs help then do what you can

    Bye for now

  15. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Grass
    A great chef, an expert in jewels, a veteran, a remarkable musician, an interesting conversationalist, and friend to all of us. A straight shooter.

    Recover, sir.
    Marty thanks Ralda nice things you said about me

    I know the old ladies in my building miss the pasta dishes and the soups that I asked to bring up to
    I know my friends on Facebook Missy and me post pictures of pasta with some pecorino Romano on the side and some Reggiano asking them cheese experts have I have enough cheese on the pasta

    it's goofy the things I can't eat anymore I can't have cheese
    I can't have dairy so that means I can't have any cannoli or any of those really rich delicious Italian desserts

    where I am they have a pretty interesting diet just the same I eat a lot of fruit
    do OK for an old
    you'll learn to adapt
    I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning and I realized God gave me another chance to show the world

  16. #15
    This is for everybody
    I want you to know the guys that have the gear are pretty sharp
    and they work with you on stuf

    contact them and talk to them about what you want
    my cousin Mike he has the Unity guitars
    I told him those were incredibly special not only because they were so well-made but because being a dumb old sentimentalist I am I saw those and the night my mama passed

    I would say do the things you've wanted to do now

    Don't wait for another day

    If there are people you haven't talked to in a long time call them

    don't let some stupid beef or grudge stand in the way

    I need to sign off now because my eyes are real tired

    I know vinnie and I have a date for Mexican food in heaven
    we're going there after we play in the band

    God bless all of you


  17. #16

    User Info Menu

    If you can't be sentimental about guitars and music, what's the point?

  18. #17

    User Info Menu

    Hey Big Mike, stay strong, my brother. You still have gas in your tank, and tons of friends who love you. That's because you've shown how much you love and care about everyone you know...even on forums such as this, where you only 'see' via the written comments...and photos of guitars. :-)

    Take care of yourself and God bless you.

  19. #18

    User Info Menu

    That was beautiful Mikey.
    As far as I’m concerned, there was never a beef so there’s no reason for a grudge.
    “Oh, it doesn't sound bad and if it can be had
    I'll buy that dream..”
    I will always remember you Mikey, for the beautiful things you are.
    Joe D

  20. #19

    User Info Menu

    Keep feeling better Mike! You know we are all rooting for you. It's great to see you posting and seeing the love here for you. Hopefully it helps in some small way!

  21. #20

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    We don't know each other, but hanging around here for a few years, one gets some sense of some personalities, more than others. Your passion about life always shows through. I'm sure that same passion has helped you to craft an amazing life, as well as prepare you well for whatever next adventure might be offered. I always like to remind myself that nobody sent me here to fail and that I've always managed to wind up where I'm supposed to be, even if it didn't look like it at first.

    Trust the system and enjoy the ride! Best wishes.

  22. #21
    Hey Joey

    I have no beef man except in the burgers they sent me here and in my l Bolognese sauce

    love you man

    you take care of yourself buddy

  23. #22

    User Info Menu

    Hi Big Mike,

    Your love for guitars is admirable. Your generosity knows no bounds. Keep on keeping on!

  24. #23

    User Info Menu

    Good to hear from you Mike !!

    All the best from 90 miles north, and all parts in-between !


  25. #24
    to everybody
    I'll eventually see you guys in heaven
    and hopefully I get a chance to do some serious cooking up there

    but the messages to Joey

    we're getting the band back together man
    we're on a mission from God

    Joey my phone number still works
    stay safe buddy

    everybody else we're gonna do some serious eating up in heaven I look forward to seeing all of you

    but not yet
    Not just yet

    see you later alligator


  26. #25

    User Info Menu

    BM, we miss you brother! We all hope you’re feeling better soon!