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  1. #176

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    Alpop, beutiful tone and nice playing, too. Sure should silence these who think the pickup is too bright.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #177

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    Quote Originally Posted by docsteve View Post
    Alpop, beutiful tone and nice playing, too. Sure should silence these who think the pickup is too bright.
    Thanks for the kind words.

    I think the guitar sounds clear but not thin or brittle.

    Some folks like to tinker with changing pickups as an interest/pastime/hobby and that's cool but not a prerequisite if you purchase this guitar IMO.

  4. #178

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    yes that’s very useful alpop

    nice playing and sound ….

    that has re-assured me that its
    not too bright too

    thanks man

  5. #179

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    Nice sound which highlights just how good the stock set up can be. What amp did that go into, and did it seem like the recorded sound in the video was representative of what you heard in the room at the time?

  6. #180

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunamara View Post
    Nice sound which highlights just how good the stock set up can be. What amp did that go into, and did it seem like the recorded sound in the video was representative of what you heard in the room at the time?
    The amp is a Quilter Aviator Cub. Here's the settings:

    The New Ibanez Pat Metheny PM3C Model-img_2121-jpg

    I mic'd the cab and sent it to a Focusrite Scarlett which went straight into an old IPhone SE.

    The guitar volume was about 75% and the guitar tone was about 50%.

    The interface input was turned up quite high as I'm in an apartment and I had to keep the room sound from being too loud.

    I would say the room sound was pretty close to what came out on the video. The room sound might have been a bit bassier.

  7. #181

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    Thats very interesting. You got a real good tone out of it, but if you look at the settings, most would probably guess it would be a little on the bright side. But its not at all and just sounds good. Some of those other video must have had the treble cranked or something.

  8. #182

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian859 View Post
    Thats very interesting. You got a real good tone out of it, but if you look at the settings, most would probably guess it would be a little on the bright side. But its not at all and just sounds good. Some of those other video must have had the treble cranked or something.
    My guess is that maybe other demos were played with guitar volume and tone pots wide open. I almost always back off on both guitar controls to one degree or another.

    I also played through that analog delay pedal and that softens/fattens things up as well.

  9. #183

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    Ah, good point. But you have proven its not that difficult or complicated to get a good tone out of the thing. Even something like all tone knobs straight up on the amp and dial back a little on the volume and tone knob on the guitar might work depending on the amp.