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  1. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    Not to hijack, but tell me more about that? I was under the impression that the tweety was for a more natural response from an acoustic guitar...
    Hey Jeff . . . you are correct, and it looks as if jzucker captures some of the technical reasons why in his recent post.

    I do remember though a few years ago when I bought my add-on Tweety, that some electric players had posted comments on the Jazz Amp site talking about how much they liked using it. Some even had sound clips if I recall. I just now went on the Jazz Amp site and quickly found the comment below from a Tweety user about his use of it with semi-hollowbody electrics (obviously not Tele). I thought you might like to see it. Now I suppose if you hollow-out your Tele and make some other mods ala Ted Greene, it would probably sound good.

    Here is the comment:

    I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know how very pleased I am with the Tweetey. I have coupled the unit with my Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue amp (modded with a Jensen Neo speaker) to very, very satisfying results with both my Taylor GC3 acoustic electric and both of my electric semi-hollow guitars. I had been using an SWR California Blonde for my Taylor acoustic electric performances prior to Tweetey's arrival. Two days ago, I sold that amp as it is no longer needed (or desired). I play my electric and acoustic sets now with a single amp and get a better sound than I ever have thanks to Tweetey. Better sound, less to carry and set up. A perfect solution for my solo act, Acoustic Rust! Once again, thank you for an excellent product and for taking the time to answer my questions prior to the purchase. You guys ROCK!!!"

    Gary Sintes


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #27

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    Interesting indeed...but it's okay, the henriksen sounds amazing with my Hofner, and I don't need one amp to sound good with all my guitars...that's how I rationalize having all those amps around the house, after all!

  4. #28

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    One thing to keep in mind is that if you are playing solo guitar, the clarity and sparkle from the tweety will sound very sweet. Also enhances time based effects such as reverb, delay, chorus, etc.

    However, the high end sparkle sounds shrill to me when you are playing in a group. IMO, of course.

    Listen to Jeff Meyer's Albatross clips on youtube for an example of the high end sparkle you get out of a tweeter. Not sure what he's using but it's the same type of sound.

  5. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by jzucker

    One thing to keep in mind is that if you are playing solo guitar, the clarity and sparkle from the tweety will sound very sweet. Also enhances time based effects such as reverb, delay, chorus, etc.

    However, the high end sparkle sounds shrill to me when you are playing in a group. IMO of course.

    Listen to Jeff Meyer's Albatross clips on youtube for an example of the high end sparkle you get out of a tweeter. Not sure what he's using but it's the same type of sound.
    Hi jzucker . . . truth be told, I'm not a big fan of the Tweety. I bought it to enable my Jazz Amp 10 Convertible to be used occasionally as an acoustic amp for use with my steel-string flattops, but I've never been able to dial-in a tone I love. I'm spoiled though because I have an AER Compact 10 . . . the Gold Standard in small acoustic guitar amps IMHO.

  6. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. beaumont
    I'll be interested to hear if it works out and how you set the EQ.

    I imagine those single coils in my tele don't help...pretty much always sounds brittle.
    Which Telecaster are you using ?
    It might have particularly bright pickups that do not allow you to get that warm tone you are looking for (just an hypothesis)

  7. #31

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    I have a JA 112, never tried an AI. Its indeed a dark voiced amp, although not as dark as a Polytone. The EQ treble is put on a strange place but the speaker isnt helping either. I have put an EV on mine and it sounds excellent (and its much heavier) , still a little darker that most amps but the highs became much more natural, specially with the 335 (it sounded harsh with the Beta). With my archtop always sounded fine but with the EV is brilliant now. Its not exactly suited for a Les Paul or a Telecaster although a lot of people use these amps with those guitars. I dont like the tweeters in general with electric guitars, but its a great option with an acoustic one.

    The reverb is the worst reverb on any amp of all time. No one at Henriksen seemed to care about fixing it it the last 3 years despite all the complaints customers gave (and its a very easy thing to fix on the amp if you have the diagram which unfortunately I dont).

  8. #32

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    My opinion is that the only point of using a Telecaster with a Henriksen JazzAmp is to get a good jazz tone.
    I don't see how you can get the typical Tele sound out of the JazzAmp.
    After all the Henriksen web site says:
    "Hooked up to a Telecaster you can break glass across the street with the extreme high frequency reproduction"
    but this refers to the BluesAmp!!!! which is the other companion model.

    As for the Reverb, I don't think it is such a bad reverb.
    If you use it just a bit, I think it's enough for jazz guitar.

  9. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazz_175
    Which Telecaster are you using ?
    It might have particularly bright pickups that do not allow you to get that warm tone you are looking for (just an hypothesis)
    It's a frankentele--neck pickup's a stock american standard tele pickup.

    It's perfectly capable of some lovely warm jazz tones through my polytone and princeton, it just doesn't seem to get along with the henriksen...the henny seems a little more "hi-fi," perhaps? It's just not a good match...

    Like I've said before, NBD--this is how I can rationalize having all kinds of different guitars and amps around the house!

  10. #34

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    Acoustic Image ,,,I like that sound.
    I used clarus 1 with my arch-top.
    Nylon strings guitars ...not.
    may be cabinet?

  11. #35

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    My 335 clone and my T5 clone (they're both Crafters) love my JazzAmp112. I only use the Tweetey with the T5 clone.
    (Reverb is just OK at 9 O'Clock on the dial; any more than that, and it is pretty bad.)

    My Tele clone (a Hamer T51 with Harmonic Design Vintage Plus pickups) likes my ZT Club much much better. (Its reverb isn't so hot either.)
    Last edited by Tom Karol; 05-30-2011 at 05:47 PM.