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  1. #1

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    There are lots of posts here that extoll the virtues (and some drawbacks) of the Yunzhi Guitar. There are some that talk about Mr Wu being the master luthier at Eastman and then Yunzhi and now retired (but may be coming out of retirement). There are other posts that talk of the excellent service that Ms Lora gives but that she has now left Yunzhi guitars to start a new business(?.). I will not add to these posts but …
    I am confused of the current situation. Is Mr Wu still with Yunzhi and is Yolanda Team Services Co., Ltd the “front desk” for Yunzhi (either with or without Mr Wu). Should I order a guitar direct with Mr Wu if I want his specialist skill?
    I should say that I have just ordered a guitar through Ms Lora and the PayPal invoice was payable to Yolanda Team.
    I am 100% certain that I will get the guitar that I expect but I hope the answers on this post will clarify who you order through and who will build your (my) dream guitar.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    I've worked with Yunzhi independently and it's in that capacity that I came to know Lora, who was a very articulate intermediary when I wanted special attention paid to guitars I had designed in my shop and wanted those design parameters followed exactly. I have never tried to deal with either Mr Wu or Yunzhi without her.
    Because of the language translation issues, I welcome her role and as the entity to deal with, and honestly, I wouldn't care to deal with either of the Chinese workshops without her. She seems to have the greatest respect from both Yunzhi and Mr Wu so questions and issues are made easier with her presence.
    She's always been very honest and frank with me regarding status and feedback with the workforce. Honestly, at those prices, she can take all the cut she'd want to and I wish her the best.
    That's my experience.
    I have dealt with guitar luthier operations besides Mr Wu and Yunzhi but I turn a lot of work their way because Lora makes it easy.

  4. #3

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    Wu is not, and has not, AFAIK, been with Yunzhi. He was with Eastman at its startup, or so I've heard, and eventually became an independent maker. Yunzhi is a factory and was started by other Eastman employees. Yolanda Team is Lora's company, which is an intermediary for both Yunzhi and Wu. Deal with Yolanda Team for inquiries and specifications/changes. My Wu guitars came with a YolandaTeam label inside, signed by Wu. As Jimmy said, I wouldn't even consider trying to deal with either Yunzhi or Wu directly. I don't think Wu or anyone at Yunzhi speaks English well, if at all, and Lora has lots of experience with being the intermediary, translating and facilitating. You should be fine, whether the guitar was ordered through Yunzhi or Wu.

  5. #4

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    As to who will build your guitar, that depends on who you specified during the order with Lora. If you didn't specify, I would guess Yunzhi.

  6. #5

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    I don't know.. here is what I think I've heard in the past...

    I believe Mr Wu (his first name.. not sure what his last name is) had a primary role at Eastman. Something like chief engineer or luthier.. not sure his title but an important role in early Eastman. He then partnered with Richard Li (not actually sure of the correct name) to bring guitars to Yunzhi. An established musical instrument company which had been making violins, violas, and cellos. This was late 2000's I think. Sometime early to mid 2010's he decided to leave (don't know why) along with some percentage of the materials and set up shop for himself. My first Wu was 2014 and it wasn't long after he left Yunzhi.

    We should get Ms. Lora to give us a short bio of Mr Wu. Interesting character and I'm pretty sure my information is not very accurate.

  7. #6

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    To piggyback on the prior accurate comments, you'll be in good hands communicating with Lora.

    When making my initial order last March, I asked Lora which brand, Wu or Yunzhi would build the better instrument. She said, "both will provide a good guitar but Wu carves the top better." Wu was extra but worth the cost.

    I received the guitar in November. To have a solid wood, hand made instrument built to your specs for sub $2k is without parallel and worth it. Yes, you'll need to invest a little extra for electronics and fret work. That all can be fixed; not so much the top carve.

    Wu will continue to build for now but prices will go up per Lora.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  8. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgosnell
    As to who will build your guitar, that depends on who you specified during the order with Lora. If you didn't specify, I would guess Yunzhi.
    Yunzhi and Wu have a very similar line. Yunzhi is a little less expensive especially before year's end when Mr Wu will raise his prices. If your request is of a pretty standard design, you can get a quicker turnaround from Yunzhi. Mr Wu works individually and I think his turnaround is a little longer.

  9. #8

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    My last Wu took about 9 months. He's not fast, but neither are any of the other boutique luthiers. Speed is not necessarily an advantage in this business. He certainly knows how to carve a top and shoot a burst, and neither should be rushed. Of course a factory, with many craftsmen, can turn out an instrument more quickly than a single luthier. I should mention that the coronavirus pandemic was raging in China during that time, and may have increased the build time. It seems to be back, so who knows how things will work out.

  10. #9

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    Cheaper to purchase both the Eastman or Wu posted here. The Eastman is a first class build!

  11. #10

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    “Who is building my guitar?”


    “That’s what I just asked, Who…”


    ”Argh. Let’s try again. Who is making my guitar?”

    “Wu, but you deal with Lora.”

    ”Ah, there’s a name finally. And who is Lora working with?”

    ”Yes, Wu.”

  12. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Jeff
    “Who is building my guitar?”
    Wu’s on first?

    Mr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-2bc0e2e7-edd8-470c-bf2d-65488e267cb7-png

  13. #12

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    ^^Some of our European friends may not understand this…

  14. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Jeff
    ^^Some of our European friends may not understand this…
    "Who's on First?" is a comedy routine made famous by American comedy duo Abbott and Costello. The premise of the sketch is that Abbott is identifying the players on a baseball team for Costello. However, the players' names can simultaneously serve as the basis for questions (e.g., "Who is the first baseman?") and responses (e.g., "The first baseman's name is "Who."), leading to repeated misinterpretations and growing frustration between the performers.


  15. #14

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    your European friends are as steeped in Americana as any of your American friends.....(or at least the Brits among them)

    it is my American friends who think British culture means bowler hats and harry potter who need a bit of help now and then...

    (we grew up with Abbot and Costello etc. etc. too)

  16. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Groyniad
    your European friends are as steeped in Americana as any of your American friends.....(or at least the Brits among them)

    it is my American friends who think British culture means bowler hats and harry potter who need a bit of help now and then...

    (we grew up with Abbot and Costello etc. etc. too)
    Hey I grew up with Benny Hill and Monty Python…

  17. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Jeff
    Hey I grew up with Benny Hill and Monty Python…
    Don’t forget Mr. Bean!

  18. #17

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    Needs a final setup for bridge height etc (as I expected) but I am generally quite pleased on first inspection.
    Mr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1092-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1093-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1094-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1095-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1096-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1098-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1097-jpg
    Last edited by nbevan3; 06-21-2023 at 03:05 PM.

  19. #18

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    Oh that's lovely! During the first 6 months to a year it's really important that you play it as much and as regularly as you can. This is the 'green' stage where the plasticizers in the finish are off gassing and the wood resins are finding out what you want them to do. Hardening finish and wood micro cellular fibres are becoming more pliable along the nodal lines that naturally happen with the music, and the kind of music you play. I think of it as an imprinting stage wherein a guitar learns to be a guitar. The personality of the guitar is formed at this time, to some extent, so play it and it will reward you by getting better and better.
    There's nothing quite like being a part of a brand new archtop breaking in for the first time. Many a guitar have become exceptional at this point through the love and attention of their players.
    Have fun!

  20. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by nevershouldhavesoldit
    Wu’s on first?

    Mr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-2bc0e2e7-edd8-470c-bf2d-65488e267cb7-png
    " Now we're getting someplace ! "

  21. #20

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    ...Or - -

  22. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by Groyniad

    it is my American friends who think British culture means bowler hats and harry potter who need a bit of help now and then...
    Wait… are you implying it isn’t all bowler hats and Harry Potter?!! I mean, I’ve heard of the eel jelly pies, but surely that’s the extent of it, in’nit?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  23. #22

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    That's a real beauty.It definitely has an Eastman look to it,didn't Wu work there once?If you don't mind saying,what did having one built cost?Enjoy and play it in good health.

  24. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by nbevan3
    Needs a final setup for bridge height etc (as I expected) but I am generally quite please on first inspection.
    Mr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1092-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1093-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1094-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1095-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1096-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1098-jpgMr Wu / Yunzhi / Ms Lora-img_1097-jpg
    That guitar is magnificent. Wondering what the process of ordering a guitar through them is like. Like, how exactly do you spec certain things out and to what degree can you do it? What is the cost like for an instrument like this? I really love the natural top with dark stained back and no pickups!

  25. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by chris32895
    That guitar is magnificent. Wondering what the process of ordering a guitar through them is like. Like, how exactly do you spec certain things out and to what degree can you do it? What is the cost like for an instrument like this? I really love the natural top with dark stained back and no pickups!
    … drop me a PM and I will give you the story

  26. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by nyc chaz
    That's a real beauty.It definitely has an Eastman look to it,didn't Wu work there once?If you don't mind saying,what did having one built cost?Enjoy and play it in good health.
    it was (essentially) the same price as a laminated Archtop would cost retail … but this is a long way from the quality of a laminated guitar