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  1. #1

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    I don't want this in the for-sale section I have zero to do with sale or anything but would like to see these go to someone who really wants them. Not even going to show listings, google Campellone for sale on Reverb and Ebay. Go through ebay I don't like reverb. 2 Campys are listed I have played them before; don't miss a chance I did not buy them because I have one.

    Move fast and tell me someone here bought them this is legit and no finer deal exist for one. I could buy and flip but not worth the trouble.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    It seems Big Mike has sold his collection to Butler Music (at least that is what the EBay ad proclaims) amd this one is a screaming deal:

    M Campellone Special 17, 17" hand built Jumbo Archtop Acoustic Guitar with case | eBay

    This one looks like a great deal as well.

    M Campellone Special 18, 18" hand built Jumbo Archtop Acoustic/Electric Guitar | eBay

  4. #3

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    Here is a link to the store that bought Big Mike's collection:

    Sadly he did not give his fellow forum members a shot at these guitars.

  5. #4

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    Wow that's a great deal, especially that 17".

    Do you think it would be sacrilege to send that back to Mark to install a set-in pickup?

  6. #5

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    BigMike is now in a convalescent home. He sends his love to everyone. He was physically unable to sell his collection on his own.
    A family member took care of it for him. Sad news.

  7. #6

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    A big Hi with love from BigMike

    Campellone PSA-img_9916-jpg

  8. #7

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    Sad news about Big Mike. Getting old is a bitch and then we die. Play them guitars while you can!

    He had quite a collection. If you want one of his guitars, I would call Butler music and see what they have coming up.

  9. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stringswinger
    He had quite a collection. If you want one of his guitars, I would call Butler music and see what they have coming up.
    I saw a Les Korn in there. Beautiful guitars, but if IIRC, they are iffy from example to example.

  10. #9

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    The Campellone Special 17 inch shows as sold on Reverb but is still for sale on Ebay.

  11. #10

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    I am sorry to hear about Mike's troubles and I hope he is doing as well as he can. I'm sure all of us want to send our best wishes to one of our standout forum members.

  12. #11

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    All the best to big Mike. Friendships and good people eclipse guitars.

  13. #12

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    Big Mike has a Heritage American Eagle for sale on Reverb. He got that from me. It's mint.

    It is an amazingly well crafted instrument. The Heritage builders spent many more hours building them than the Golden and Super Eagles. The Heritage owners told me that spent a lot on build time to make the craftsmanship the best. Benedetto described the guitar in his book. The one listed is made of quilted maple, which is gorgeous. I have another one that is mint. Aside from the decor, which takes a few weeks to adjust to, it is just an amazing instrument.

    The bottom pic is a Heritage Johnny Smith.

    Campellone PSA-53605583052_d815f26e78_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53606670278_560e66f7c7_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53606923510_c7fe8748a7_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53606796324_92d632d434_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53605583107_dd85783444_c-jpgCampellone PSA-51156014345_dfdfe7366d_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53663131648_501b09c055_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53663273974_ae7600ce03_c-jpgCampellone PSA-53663381765_89226a5d73_c-jpg

  14. #13

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    Wow, Big Mike is a great guy, I knew he was feeling ill but this is terribly sad news and I didn't even know him that well I would grab one of his GB10s if I could find one, I know he had a few. I really can't afford one, but it would be nice to remember him when it played it. I posted on here years ago when someone was giving him some sh!t about Ibanez guitars that I am, and have been, a moderator on an Ibanez forum since '03 and he had forgotten more about Ibanez guitars than I knew! He was always helpful and a great source of info and now I am rambling and preaching to the choir....

    I hope he's comfortable, and his family is with him and everything is going as well as it can. He was always incredibly nice to me, and if anyone sees one of his GB10s please post it up. If anyone here is in contact with him, like Vinny?, please let him know he is on our minds and in our prayers! He was always kind to newbies here and always answered questions about Ibanez and Heritage guitars, and loved to talk about dogs as well, and this news about his health breaks my heart a bit. He once offered to buy my Hutchinson L5 no matter what I wanted for it when my Newfoundland needed surgery - he was willing to buy a guitar he didn't need just to save my dog. Who does that?!?

    I'm derailing the thread, and I apologize, but if someone sees one of his Ibanezes for sale please add it to this thread or let me know. I would love to own something of his, no matter what.
    Last edited by jim777; 06-15-2024 at 10:58 AM.

  15. #14

    User Info Menu

    Standard verbiage on all of the listings for his guitars:
    "[the guitar] has been unplayed since it was gone over and has sat in the collection of Mr. Mike Hale until we purchased it to offer for sale today. Michael was a fixture in the Jazz community, a large collector of amazing Jazz guitars and a frequent contributor to under his user name BigMikeinNJ. Due to recent health setbacks, Mike sold his entire collection to us and we will be offering 70 of the finest Jazz guitars made over the next several months."

    Currently, I see his Holst, the two Campellones, his beloved Wu (with guesswork as a description), and a pile of his George Benson guitars. It appears that he did not or was not able to provide proper descriptions of these. A few years ago, when I inquired about doing some buying and/or trading with him, he told me that he had made arrangements for most of the guitars as his way of paying it forward. I tried to get in touch with him regarding some of the guitars and life in general over the past couple of years, to no avail. Butler is located 9 hours away from Chicago, where he lived/lives.

    Regarding the Holst, here is the story, starting at post #78. This guitar is a screaming deal:
    Stephen Holst Archtops

    Regarding the Yunzhi, here is his quick summary, at post #2:
    Yunzhi Guitars?

    Most the guitars he acquired are described in various threads and posts on this forum.

  16. #15

    User Info Menu

    My best regards to Big Mike.

  17. #16
    I am in touch with Big Mike on daily basis. Given situation this probably best way to unfold these things. We take nothing with us when we leave this world except our past actions. Good, bad, or indifferent we leave hopefully to see the glory of the Lord.

    Big Mike is quite big in this his situation not complaining but actually grateful. He is glad to be safe and taken care of.

    I will share this, the family kept of the Unity guitars by Aaron Cowles. In fact I have one now that needed set up and repair tailpiece. It has been done for a while I just have to get it to him over next few weeks. His days of playing guitar are over but let me tell you he is prayer warrior and still likes good food. I think he has been giving the kitchen help tips to make it good.

  18. #17
    Big Mike is not without a guitar this one is one of the Unity's he kept. This 18-inch Special Build and let me tell you it sounds like a miniature grand piano. In particular it has the highest arch of any archtop I have ever seen. The distance top to the top of the saddle is close to 1 7/15ths. Normally about 1 inch is as high as they go.
    Campellone PSA-unity4-jpgCampellone PSA-unity3-jpgCampellone PSA-unity061524b-jpgCampellone PSA-unity061524-jpg

  19. #18

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    After looking at this thread,i think it's safe to say Big Mike likes big Blondes,at least in guitars.Wishing him all the best.

  20. #19

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    Sending all my best to Big Mike.

    He taught me a lot about Japanese guitars when I started out over 15 years ago. He was always very generous.

    Let’s hope the nurses have their hands full!

    Campellone PSA-2e23865d-8d99-4a3d-bcbd-9a8d6b421305-jpeg

  21. #20

    User Info Menu

    Thanks Deacon! You're the best!
    I appreciate very much your keeping us informed.
    Big Mike is one awesome guy that gives me hope for humanity with his big heart, love of music nice guitars, being a great cook, and long time fellow traveler-member of this group! Like you, always enjoyed reading his stories and interactions here.
    Happy Father's day!

  22. #21

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    Hey Big Mike:

    Miss your comments, recipes (Saturday lunch especially) and general presence on this site.

    Tony D. (pilotony)

  23. #22

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    I called Butler music to see if they had any of Big Mike's Heritage guitars, and they said everything they had of his is on the website, which isn't close to 70 guitars. They also said the owner's brother owns a guitar shop in Chicago called Midwest Buy & Sell, which has the American Eagle, but seemingly no others. Just an FYI

  24. #23

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    I just bought the Yunzhi directly from Butler for $850 + $60 shipping. It sounds like Mike really liked it, and that's good enough for me! Thanks for bringing these to the forum-

  25. #24

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    I was hoping to see if there might be a Super Eagle in the batch at Butler but they told me no when I called. I'll likely grab one of his Ibanezes but I have Super Eagle on the brain at the moment.

  26. #25

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    It’s just like BM to pay it forward! I hope he has it comfortable and is at peace. He has a good soul!