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  1. #76

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    Rhythms Complete Bugs Bower-img_4424-jpeg

    Rhythm No. 3 #19


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #77

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    I saw that you're up the neck. That's the way to learn the whole thing. Good job!

    Note that this exercise starts on F and never goes below F.

    So, if you start working on playing anything in any octave, you can start on the low E string, first fret or 13th fret. Only one practical F on the A string, but two useful Fs on the D string. One on the G string, One (well maybe two) on the B String and two good ones on the high E (but, the highest note will then be outside of the guitar's range, unless you play it as a harmonic).

    Ideally, you can read the passage starting with any of those Fs. That might be overkill, but if you work on it, you'll end up knowing the whole neck.

    I also think you're onto something about proofreading. It's a useful skill to be able to listen to something while you read the sheet music and instantly know if something is wrong -- and how to fix it.

    For extra credit in a year from now: Another use for these passages is sight-singing. Can you look at it and sing it? Rhythms should be pretty easy, but can you nail the pitches?

    All this is probably overwhelming but it's all basic skill stuff for a jazz player who can read a chart.

  4. #78

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    Once it’s in my head I can move them around pretty well, it’s something I’m working on. Usually in my band I try to play in the octave the trumpet isn’t in. So I’ll have to transpose heads around. Something I work out at home after the gig. I think he’s normally higher, that’s why I’m reading all this on the E or A roots. But I see the value of reading in any octave.

    I just do a take or two for the video and move on with what I’m actually going to practice. These are my warmups now. That 5 minutes a day thing Christian talks about.

    I also sight sing the melody before I play it. It’s not in tune I’m only able to hit rhythm and direction. And I’m helped by the arrows Bugs added.
    Last edited by AllanAllen; Yesterday at 11:24 PM.