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  1. #176

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarketTomato
    There's not a single Mike Stern video left from guitar night from what I can tell.

    It would be a big bummer if it had to do with the negativity that I often saw in the comments, but hopefully there's a better explanation.
    Maybe Mike or his manager asked to delete the videos? Just saying it might be a possibility.


    EDIT: I emailed Frank V asking for an answer. We'll see what he says.


    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #177

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    Not to throw oil on the fire, but the negative comments on here were about his use of filters and whatnots, not about the man's playing or musicality. (I haven't read the comments on YT nor felt any need to make any of my own.)
    There's an old Dutch proverb about high trees catching a lot of wind, which is (sadly) very true.

    Maybe schedule "An acoustic evening with ..." some time and see what dirt that kicks up?
    (I for one would be thrilled, even if they're not in the Vienna opera house or Carnegie hall )

  4. #178

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fkvignola
    Correct, the cyber bullying got to him so he asked to have all vids removed. He thought about quitting guitar because of all of the negativity. The guy uses hair glue to hold his pick, has no feeling in his right hand since his accident and still gets hacked on, I’m sorry to say.

    Mike is an icon who started a whole genre of playing. I’m one of his biggest fans and love every note he plays.

    Thanks for replying Frank. That is truly sad about the cyber bullying. I know that I speak for most here that recognize and enjoy Mike's talent and constantly upbeat personality. Anyone who cannot hear Mike's wonderful playing is cheating themselves. The "chorus" pedal that some dislike is not the sum total of Mike's abilities. In fact, it's a minor part of his talent.

    Mike has been letting us hear his wonderful playing for 40 years plus; I wonder what the cyber bullies have done in that time?

    A long time ago I was told that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    If Mike wants to use his sound, he's welcome to come here to Vancouver and play.

  5. #179

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fkvignola
    Correct, the cyber bullying got to him so he asked to have all vids removed. He thought about quitting guitar because of all of the negativity
    Why not just turn off "comments" on YouTube? That way those who appreciate his videos will have access to them, and he won't have to hear from the juveniles who do not.

  6. #180

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug B
    Anyone who cannot hear Mike's wonderful playing is cheating themselves.
    Reminds us again why it is that we listen to music?

    Can you listen to this?

    I can - if I want to be amazed again at what some people can apparently enjoy and how different musical tastes can be. Never takes long.

    The "chorus" pedal that some dislike is not the sum total of Mike's abilities. In fact, it's a minor part of his talent.
    If he designed and built it himself it could even be a major part of his talents. If not, I can only see it as an add-on (or almost literal afterthought) that he could easily do without.

    If you really still don't get it, compare it to being invited to enjoy a dish that looks and smells wonderful, is clearly the result of a long cooking experience (etc etc) but that you know contains an ingredient you're allergic to. Would you eat it and pretend to enjoy or would you say that you'd love to enjoy it but really can't because of that one ingredient?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mick-7
    Why not just turn off "comments" on YouTube? That way those who appreciate his videos will have access to them, and he won't have to hear from the juveniles who do not.
    Not a bad idea, but no one has to hear from comments (certainly not on videos they didn't post themselves I would hope) and the fact that he's reading them suggests he doesn't want to ignore all comments?
    Besides, the people who do post the videos may have their own reasons to allow comments open.

  7. #181

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    That's funny, Mike Stern even with his injuries can still play at the level that most can only dream about, and be a real artist with originality and substance.

    Look at the new generation of jazz players, with the exception of Julian Lage I can hardly think of anyone who's as inspiring as Sco, Mike Stern or Metheny, or Frissel.. Boring cerebral college sh..t. Guys like Mike Stern are the real deal.

    So leave Mike alone please, don't be mean, he's using a pedal you don't like woo hoo, big fckn deal!

  8. #182

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    Funny indeed, "boring" and "cerebral" should be incompatible traits but they're exactly what comes to mind whenever I try to listen to Metheny for instance.

    Maybe it's also funny that I prefer to listen to someone like Jonathan Stout?

    EDIT: I'm really going to try to stay out of this thread, but I'll add a final open door... It's a well-known phenomenon that people are less likely to bother leaving a purely positive comment/evaluation than a negative one, and I think that when they're asked or feel compelled to comment many will try to give something intended as constructive criticism.

  9. #183

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fkvignola
    Correct, the cyber bullying got to him so he asked to have all vids removed. He thought about quitting guitar because of all of the negativity. The guy uses hair glue to hold his pick, has no feeling in his right hand since his accident and still gets hacked on, I’m sorry to say.

    Mike is an icon who started a whole genre of playing. I’m one of his biggest fans and love every note he plays.
    Just another case of the loud mouthed few ruining it for everyone else. I saw Mike right after his accident at the Blue Note; it was a Miles Davis tribute. What a show… the late Wallace Roney was on trumpet. Mike still had the braces on his wrists and played his you know what off. Truly inspiring.

    DC Music recently released a bunch of Mike Stern courses. I bought em all immediately. Great stuff.

    Thanks Mike.

  10. #184

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hep To The Jive
    That's funny, Mike Stern even with his injuries can still play at the level that most can only dream about, and be a real artist with originality and substance.

    Look at the new generation of jazz players, with the exception of Julian Lage I can hardly think of anyone who's as inspiring as Sco, Mike Stern or Metheny, or Frissel.. Boring cerebral college sh..t. Guys like Mike Stern are the real deal.

    So leave Mike alone please, don't be mean, he's using a pedal you don't like woo hoo, big fckn deal!

    You should follow your own advise.

  11. #185

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    Seems kind of a absurd reason to take down all those shows.Newsflash,internet warriors say all sorts of crap online they wouldn't dare say to you in person.By taking down those shows,you are just letting them win and denying other Mike Stern,Frank vignola fans from seeing a show they would enjoy.

  12. #186

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    So, we're just going to believe the actual Frank Vignola took time out of his day to create an account yesterday and solely to reply to this one thread?

  13. #187

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    Well Doug B knows Frank,so i would have to say that was him.

  14. #188

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    Quote Originally Posted by nyc chaz
    Well Doug B knows Frank,so i would have to say that was him.
    My first reaction was "who'd create an account with that name and then use an ambiguous abbreviation for Frank" but then realised it had to be him.

    We could have welcomed him btw...

    Quote Originally Posted by AllanAllen
    What if M-Ster who posts the standard of the month is Mike Stern?
    After all the bullying he must/would have endured on this thread? O:-)
    Last edited by RJVB; 06-19-2024 at 04:02 PM.

  15. #189

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    What if M-Ster who posts the standard of the month is Mike Stern?

  16. #190

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    26 June 2024
    Chris Flory and Jon-Erik Kellso join Frank Vignola and Gary Mazzaroppi.

    Yas Ishibashi Reminiscence Concert Band

  17. #191

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    Quote Originally Posted by nyc chaz
    Seems kind of a absurd reason to take down all those shows.Newsflash,internet warriors say all sorts of crap online they wouldn't dare say to you in person.By taking down those shows,you are just letting them win and denying other Mike Stern,Frank vignola fans from seeing a show they would enjoy.

    Can't youtube or Frank just delete the comments?

  18. #192

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    I've seen Stern play live more times than I can count since first hearing him with Miles in 1981. I've also spoken to him a bunch of times after gigs and on the street, and even took an online lesson with him. So, yeah, I'm a fan. Regarding the effects, I'll just say that the live experience is quite different from the recorded experience. If you've only heard him on recordings and haven't heard him live, hold your fire. Ditto for Metheny.

    As others have said, he's just an incredibly positive, nice, friendly person who has devoted his life to making music as he feels it. You could be the most hopelessly bad player on the planet, and Mike would find a way to compliment you sincerely. It's just really awful that people would say insulting things about him online.
    Last edited by John A.; 06-27-2024 at 01:27 PM.

  19. #193

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug B
    Can't youtube or Frank just delete the comments?
    The easiest solution is often the best solution and as you say just turn them off or delete them.If you are going to allow comments than you can't expect everyone to love you.Negative minded people are often the loudest.My mother had an expression,"Empty barrels make the most noise".

  20. #194

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    Quote Originally Posted by nyc chaz
    The easiest solution is often the best solution and as you say just turn them off or delete them.
    The videos are posted by somebody @ or doing it for Birdland but no matter who's doing the posting, any form of comment moderation will take time and a careful chart. Just blocking or deleting anything that reeks of negative critique wouldn't be very appropriate.

  21. #195

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    I am very sorry to hear that Mike asked to have the videos with him in them taken down. He brings something to music that no one else does. While I sometimes weary of the chorus effect, his playing is so magnificent that it overcomes that for me.

    we are all human. Those of us with any sort of public face at all have to endure people trying to bring us down a notch to make themselves feel more important. It’s pathetic.

  22. #196

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB
    The videos are posted by somebody @ or doing it for Birdland but no matter who's doing the posting, any form of comment moderation will take time and a careful chart. Just blocking or deleting anything that reeks of negative critique wouldn't be very appropriate.
    There are plenty of channels on YouTube that have the commentary option turned off, it's a common practice. If you don't want to hear any critical comments at all, just do that.

  23. #197

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cunamara
    we are all human. ... It’s pathetic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mick-7
    There are plenty of channels on YouTube that have the commentary option turned off, it's a common practice. If you don't want to hear any critical comments at all, just do that.
    Of course, I suggested that somewhere above already (but I keep coming back to the fact that these are put up by the hosting venue, presumably also the event organisation).

    FWIW, you really have to want to read the comments (or add one) on YT; it wasn't always the case that you have to scroll down a long list of supposedly related videos before getting to the comment section.

  24. #198

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    Quote Originally Posted by RJVB

  25. #199

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    I'm on Frank V.'s Truefire Channel and I emailed him about this thread and Frank V. came here to explain.


  26. #200

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug B
    I'm on Frank V.'s Truefire Channel and I emailed him about this thread and Frank V. came here to explain.

    Thanks for doing that.

    I wouldn't mind these guys, talking about how easy it is to ignore negative comments when they've never posted a video at all.