The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
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  1. #1

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    The Jazz Guitar Chord Dictionary
  3. #2

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    Another beautiful moment of time you've created, Mark. Hoagy is so present here and framed in such a personal treatment of sound and video. That guitar is really sounding more and more natural in your hands each time I hear you. It seems to anticipate your thoughts and delivers such a clarity and warmth to every note. Loving the linear mix of single, chords and dyads.
    Thanks for posting this!

  4. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy blue note
    Another beautiful moment of time you've created, Mark. Hoagy is so present here and framed in such a personal treatment of sound and video. That guitar is really sounding more and more natural in your hands each time I hear you. It seems to anticipate your thoughts and delivers such a clarity and warmth to every note. Loving the linear mix of single, chords and dyads.
    Thanks for posting this!
    Thanks for your warm regards about this post. Truth is my hands are giving me lots of problems lately and I’ve got to get things checked out by a hand specialist. Might be a form of arthritis, not sure, but a few of my fingers are really sore and it’s taking me lots of time to get to where I can play a take like this one, and then I have to stop. You can literally see me sweating here. I shall persevere however, fear not!

  5. #4

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    Best wishes and hopes that you can get this alleviated. In your searches, have you considered accupunture as a possible avenue of possibility? I hope you're successful in addressing this.

  6. #5

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    Absolutely evocative and beautiful.

    I second Jbn's suggestion of acupuncture. I have pretty severe arthritis in my hands (especially in the thumb joints), but after doing acupuncture once a week for a few years, I find I can play without pain. Lots of other things cause pain, like picking up things between thumb and forefinger; holding a pick doesn't hurt, though – go figure.

  7. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ukena
    Absolutely evocative and beautiful.

    I second Jbn's suggestion of acupuncture. I have pretty severe arthritis in my hands (especially in the thumb joints), but after doing acupuncture once a week for a few years, I find I can play without pain. Lots of other things cause pain, like picking up things between thumb and forefinger; holding a pick doesn't hurt, though – go figure.
    sorry to hear that the condition of your hands is severe. I’m curious to know if the condition was very gradually worsened or sudden, and if there are any visible signs such as swelling and redness. My situation seems to have become suddenly acute and there are no other signs that I’ve read about. I might have something else going on so X-rays and mRI for sure to better diagnose. In the meantime, hot water helps the most.

  8. #7

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    Sending you all good wishes Mark ….

    the planet needs you playing this stuff !
    speedy recovery man

  9. #8

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    Sorry to hear that Mark. I'm a fan of your playing and you have a lot more music to give.

    I'll just go over my situation. I decided to quit guitar (and bass) and focus on piano because 1 finger was feeling creaky and a little painful all the time due to an old upright bass injury. Even though I like rock music and you can't rock on piano. Piano seems to be healthy for the fingers, while guitar is a little harsh on them. My hands now feel healthy.

    I'm middle aged. If my hands break down in old age I have a secret weapon - I'll just switch to vibraphone! Because all I'd have to do is hold the mallets. I might even take up vibraphone before that because it's such a beautiful instrument but for now the plan is focus on piano.

    Just food for thought. Imo you need to have a lifestyle and instrument that doesn't stress your hands.

  10. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by pingu
    Sending you all good wishes Mark ….

    the planet needs you playing this stuff !
    speedy recovery man
    thanks! I will keep playing and posting through the pain. Actually, the movement of playing seems to help.

  11. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kleinhaut
    Thanks for your warm regards about this post. Truth is my hands are giving me lots of problems lately and I’ve got to get things checked out by a hand specialist. Might be a form of arthritis, not sure, but a few of my fingers are really sore and it’s taking me lots of time to get to where I can play a take like this one, and then I have to stop. You can literally see me sweating here. I shall persevere however, fear not!
    Sorry to hear this is happening to you.I've had problems with the tendons and arthritis in my fingers for the past 17 years.If you go to a hand specialst,try to find one in your area that deals with musician's finger problems if possible.Recently i started taking fish oil pills and tumeric everyday and it has helped my arthritis quite a bit.Wishing the best for you.

  12. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Timmons
    Sorry to hear that Mark. I'm a fan of your playing and you have a lot more music to give.

    I'll just go over my situation. I decided to quit guitar (and bass) and focus on piano because 1 finger was feeling creaky and a little painful all the time due to an old upright bass injury. Even though I like rock music and you can't rock on piano. Piano seems to be healthy for the fingers, while guitar is a little harsh on them. My hands now feel healthy.

    I'm middle aged. If my hands break down in old age I have a secret weapon - I'll just switch to vibraphone! Because all I'd have to do is hold the mallets. I might even take up vibraphone before that because it's such a beautiful instrument but for now the plan is focus on piano.

    Just food for thought. Imo you need to have a lifestyle and instrument that doesn't stress your hands.
    Thank you! I always thought of guitar as physically easy, certainly better than trumpet, bass or whatnot

  13. #12

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    You're welcome. Well if playing guitar isn't stressful to your hands then I bet you'll get it figured out!

  14. #13

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    Update: my hands are feeling much better lately. Taking imega3 oils, glucosamine and daily stretching is really helping along with situational mindfulness while playing to ensure I do t overdo it.

  15. #14

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    Still recommend seeing a specialist to make sure there is not something going on and get it treated if there is.

  16. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kleinhaut
    I love the sound you achieved. What strings do you use?

  17. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Grass
    I love the sound you achieved. What strings do you use?
